Monday, September 29, 2008

What I've been up to.

Well I haven't done much blogging, that could be beacause I usually don't have much to say. But lately I've been browsing other blogs and I've been getting the urge to do so.

The two older kids are now back in school and I do have two day home kids that I look after along with my youngest. My business has been slow, but that is my own fault as I haven't been working at it much.

I've really been getting the urge to do some knitting or crocheting a lot lately. I've been reading up on patterns and other stuff. Thinking I should really do something about the house being more organized so I have more time to craft. So that has been on my agenda for the most of last week. The house is slowly coming together.

I do have a lot of crafts and stuff in my basement but it's time to let some of it go. Need to be more specific in what I want to do with my crafting time.

Well I guess that's about it for now.


Tanya said...

Good luck with the organization. Knitting is always something I wish I would have learned when I was younger.

Donna Fritsen said...

You still can. I didn't learn to crochet til 2 years ago.